Hi, I am Liel.

So nice to meet you!

I’m a multi-passionate woman entrepreneur centered around women’s health!

My life mission is to inspire and empower mothers and women across the globe to feel strong and confident, be healthy and vibrant from the inside out through the practice of YOGA and FITNESS, HEALTHY NUTRITION, and MINDFULLNESS.

Thank you for your interest in knowing a little bit more about me!

Here’s a "long story short" about me and my life journey...

Even though I was young, while in my twenties it was the period of my life that was the most unhealthy, unhappy, and I was living without purpose. One encounter with yoga lead to a 360-degreee turn around of my life.

I’m an entrepreneur, coach, educator, pre- and postnatal specialist, yoga and fitness instructor, and fitness nutrition specialist. This explains the "multi" when I say I'm a multi-passionate woman entrepreneur centered around women's health. I'm also a MOTHER of two sweet girls and wife to my best friend, Michael.

I was born in Uzbekistan ( and then raised in Israel beginning from the age of 9 after I lost both of my parents. In my mid-twenties,
I was suffering from continuous back pain, low energy, daily migraine headaches and I could not sleep well at nights, I was always nervous, overstressed, impatient and aggressive toward others. I decided that I was done with weekly doctor's visits and I’m done feeling like a cr@p on a daily basis. I'm done with slowly falling apart as my health was at rock bottom. I decided to take control over my life and to change my entire lifestyle. So I make a 360 degrees turnaround.

It all began in 2010...

I will never forget the ride back home on my new bike that I couldn’t afford, as the gentle breeze was cooling off my body after I'd spent 90-minutes in a 105-degree room taking my first ever yoga class. I think that was the first time in my life when I felt good and happy without any special reason.

This one yoga class opened a huge door for me for a tremendous change in my life without even being aware of it.
A few months later, I found myself on the other side of the universe as I landed in JFK in New York without knowing English AT ALL, and jumping deep into the unknown with huge faith in my heart that I deserved a much better life. I had no idea how, but I was determined to make it happen.

Two years after so many ups and downs, falling hard and getting back up; struggling to feed myself, trying again and again, I finally figured out what I want to do with my life. (One day, I promised myself I will write a book with all my life stories, as I’m sure so many people would be inspired by them). But you see, ever since I was a little girl I always wanted to be a teacher and I began this journey by applying for my first yoga teacher training and became a yoga instructor.

As time passed by, I always wanted more!

With more training, more knowledge, I was trying to find every possible solution to improve my own poor health. So along the way, I became a health coach and a nutrition specialist. And when I became a mom and was trying to find solutions to heal my postpartum body, I decided to get myself involved in pre/postnatal specialist education so that I can help myself and other moms to heal and get back into shape after pregnancy. I also dedicated myself to become the best role model as I could to my children.

A new life obsession and life mission.

Today, I’m proud to have created a digital social business that reaches and helps countless women.

Through my YouTube channel, Liel Cheri TV, online trainings and programs, and with the support of an audience across the globe, I proudly help people like you to work toward the best version of themselves with baby action steps that provide life-changing results.

When I open my phone in the morning and I see “Thank you, Liel! Thank you! I am so grateful for your videos. Thank you for always inspiring me to move and feel good." There are always tons of messages and emails from moms and women who I've been able to inspire and help. I now know I live my life with purpose and I’m here for a reason!

I went from living in Israel where I was non-stop stressfully working as a banker doing stock market transactions during the day, and bartending during the night, constantly ruining my health and serenity just so I could keep a roof over my head and pay my bills, to moving to the US and working over 12 hours shifts every day, including weekends, relying only on commission. Then I progressively moved to becoming a yoga teacher, to a health coach and nutrition specialist, and a pre/postnatal specialist, to combining all my knowledge and skills and creating an online business.

And that leads me to you!


My heart is full of love, passion, and a desire to bring the best out of you. Whether you find that through all the FREE content that I share with so much love or my online programs or through my private one-on-one coaching.

I’m here to help you build the best life you possibly can – the life that you're meant to live.

If you’ve read this far, thank you!
I truly want us to become friends, and I’d love to also learn about you!

There are a few ways that we can connect:
my VIP Club

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and read my story.

I’m thrilled we’re connected, and I can’t wait
for our journey ahead together .

With much love,

Begin YOUR Transformation TODAY!